Grow Your Authority

& Build Your

Client Attraction Machine

The term authority is vague at best.

In this Masterclass you’ll find out what goes into building your authority in your industry so that you can build your client attraction machine.


Here's What You'll be Getting in this Business Master Class:

You will learn what elements go into building your authority. We are not talking about being an influencer or fancy tricks on going viral with something amazing that you just came up with on the fly. Truth is that unless you are a kitten or a dog who can sing along with your small child, chances that as a “talking head” your content will go viral are minimal.  

The only content that went viral for me was a post on LinkedIn with over 1.1 million views and the words that created this massive response where: “LinkedIn is not a dating website.” The results for my brand or business were zero. Let me spare you what the 120,000+ comments said. (It was not pretty.)

Authority means being a subject matter expert. Building authority is knowing the right outlets where your potential clients are and an overall strategy to bring them into the pipeline so you can nurture and convert them over time.  For that you need to have a few pieces in place that we will discuss in this masterclass.

Your talent and mission are extraordinary, and you get great feedback on your work, but you need more products and services you can sell right away. You want to monetize your knowledge and experience in a bigger way and help more people. 

In this hands-on masterclass you will learn how to shift from dreading making your sales calls, to positioning yourself as a problem-solving partner for your clients. This is the key to creating an offer that you can sell successfully.  

You will learn my method of “crawling into the heads of your clients

so that you can easily reverse engineer what they want to buy. 

If you want to..

Understand how to become the authority in your industry

Identify the right distribution channels that will increase your authority

Find out how to build a client attraction system while growing your authority

Learn the elements that you must have in place for your client attraction system to generate results

Then this masterclass is for you. 

What Mistakes are Made

Many business owners, coaches, consultants, and Entrepreneurs find themselves yearning for more visibility and recognition. Internet marketers tell you that the solution to gaining authority is to go “viral” and create a lot of random content that includes you reading a book, sharing your favorite inspiration quotes, showcasing your interesting personal life, and featuring your latest musings on your subject matter expertise. 

The real world is overrun by content that often is mediocre or irrelevant and creates the opposite effect. You are confusing people because you have so much and sometimes contradictory messaging out there, that the buyer can’t tell what your core authority is. 

The answer is not “any or more content.” It is the right content, and it must follow a particular strategy that I will be sharing in this Masterclass.

What Mistakes are Made

One of the problems I see most often is that business owners create products or an offer THEY themselves are in love with. And because it took a lot of time, money, and energy they are now attached to THIS product. Even if it doesn’t sell, they still insist it works.

Here is the issue, if you do not enter the conversation inside your
prospects mind and reverse engineer their needs into a product – your
offer cannot sell. 

That’s why reviewing what you offer and how it is packaged is critical to ensure that it solves your prospects problem. 

And we love developing strategies here at The Growth Architect and we always add new ones. Things are constantly changing and sometimes a strategy that used to work doesn’t work anymore because the market or an algorithm has been changed.

We want to educate you on what we see works for our clients and many of the strategies we showcase expand on what I did when I build my own business and then sold it to Bill Gates.

When you attend this Masterclass on Growing Your Authority


You’ll get insights into how:

  • Growing your authority directly correlates to building your client attraction system

  • To set up a client attraction system and why you need to have one

  • To start growing your authority as an expert in your industry

  • To build your client attraction system

That's what you will do in this masterclass.

If this is you, please register right away. 

Growth Architecture is designed to support business owners who know that without a strategy, systems, and authority you cannot create Entrepreneurial Freedom. We don’t promote chasing fads or falling for the most persuasive copy and loudest guru offering the latest “hack.”

Rather, we want you to focus on the many different pieces that go into building a successful and consistently growing business.

We want to show you the way to your interpretation of Entrepreneurial Freedom which is why you got into this in the first place. At the same time, we will tell you that to get there you have work to do, and you must have an overall strategy, systems and processes and a client attraction system in place.

Unless you like riding the roller coaster....

This masterclass addresses the third piece, authority and client attraction.

Attending this masterclass is free. And yes, there will be a replay for a limited time.


This masterclass is for Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Consultants, Experts and Business Owners who want to build their own cohesive proprietary system so that they can sell more and more often and increase their income.

If this is you, please register.


Beate Chelette is the Growth Architect and Founder of The Women’s Code and provides visionaries and leaders with strategies, blueprints and results-oriented, tangible tools and techniques that give clear steps to improve business systems, strengthen leadership skills and teams so that they can scale their impact. Her strategies have helped her clients
to generate over 30 million in revenue.


A first-generation immigrant who found herself $135,000 in debt as a single parent, Beate bootstrapped her passion for photography into a highly successful global business and eventually sold it to Bill Gates in a multimillion-dollar deal. She host She host "The Business Growth Architect Show" podcast and is amongst the “Top 100 Global Thought Leaders” by PeopleHum and “One of 50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs” by HuffPost.

Recent clients include Amazon, Reckitt (the maker of Lysol), Chevron, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, the Women’s Legislative Caucus of California Cal State University Dominguez Hills, Shelter Inc., United Way, Mental Health First Aid and thousands of small businesses. 

Beate is the author of the #1 International Award-Winning Amazon Bestseller “Happy Woman Happy World – How to Go from Overwhelmed to Awesome”–a book that corporate trainer and best-selling author Brian Tracy calls “a
handbook for every woman who wants health, success and a fulfilling career.”

Connect with Beate at [email protected]

To find out what your #1 Business Growth Blocker is take the free quiz at

Beate Chelette is the Growth Architect and Founder of The Women’s Code and provides visionaries and leaders with strategies, blueprints and results-oriented, tangible tools and techniques that give clear steps to improve business systems, strengthen leadership skills and teams so that they can scale their impact. Her strategies have helped her clients
to generate over 30 million in revenue.


A first-generation immigrant who found herself $135,000 in debt as a single parent, Beate bootstrapped her passion for photography into a highly successful global business and eventually sold it to Bill Gates in a multimillion-dollar deal. She host She host "The Business Growth Architect Show" podcast and is amongst the “Top 100 Global Thought Leaders” by PeopleHum and “One of 50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs” by HuffPost.

Recent clients include Amazon, Reckitt (the maker of Lysol), Chevron, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, the Women’s Legislative Caucus of California Cal State University Dominguez Hills, Shelter Inc., United Way, Mental Health First Aid and thousands of small businesses. 

Beate is the author of the #1 International Award-Winning Amazon Bestseller “Happy Woman Happy World – How to Go from Overwhelmed to Awesome”–a book that corporate trainer and best-selling author Brian Tracy calls “a
handbook for every woman who wants health, success and a fulfilling career.”

Connect with Beate at [email protected]

To find out what your #1 Business Growth Blocker is take the free quiz at

Beate Chelette is the Growth Architect and Founder of The Women’s Code and provides visionaries and leaders with strategies, blueprints and results-oriented, tangible tools and techniques that give clear steps to improve business systems, strengthen leadership skills and teams so that they can scale their impact. Her strategies have helped her clients
to generate over 30 million in revenue.


A first-generation immigrant who found herself $135,000 in debt as a single parent, Beate bootstrapped her passion for photography into a highly successful global business and eventually sold it to Bill Gates in a multimillion-dollar deal. She host She host "The Business Growth Architect Show" podcast and is amongst the “Top 100 Global Thought Leaders” by PeopleHum and “One of 50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs” by HuffPost.

Recent clients include Amazon, Reckitt (the maker of Lysol), Chevron, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, the Women’s Legislative Caucus of California Cal State University Dominguez Hills, Shelter Inc., United Way, Mental Health First Aid and thousands of small businesses. 

Beate is the author of the #1 International Award-Winning Amazon Bestseller “Happy Woman Happy World – How to Go from Overwhelmed to Awesome”–a book that corporate trainer and best-selling author Brian Tracy calls “a
handbook for every woman who wants health, success and a fulfilling career.”

Connect with Beate at [email protected]

To find out what your #1 Business Growth Blocker is take the free quiz at

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